Friday, July 8, 2011


This week has been a rough one, as I really haven't felt well the whole week. Today the only thing that got me to work was that I am a responsible person and I know it was the right thing to do. Then there was working out... there was absolutely NO part of me that wanted to go down there and sweat and move around, NONE! However, I dragged my ass down there with my friend and popped in the Julian Michael's dvd and yelled and bitched back at her for the 25-7 minutes on the level 1 work out again. I am glad now that I did it, but I definitely fought all the way through it. It's funny how afterwards you feel soo much differently about it than before. I also think I would have felt bad if I didn't work out. I didn't get to work out on Wednesday because I had a fever and had to go to the doctor (but did work from home) so therefore with today I have only worked out 3 times this week and my goal is 4! This way I only have to work out once this weekend vs both days. :)  PS - we are stepping it up to level 2 next week... nervous but ready!

It's revelations like this one that really show me that this journey is working for me, even in it's short run thusfar. Honesty with myself really might just be the key for me. It is making me face it and realize that just because I know I cheated or skipped and no one else knows I really am hurting myself not helping. I guess everyone just has to find what works for them, I hope I have found mine and can stick with it for a long time.

BTW, typing this out, realizing this, has really put a smile on my face and making this rainy, gross, slumpy Friday at almost 4pm better!

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