Thursday, July 7, 2011

No one is looking... BUSTED!

Following yesterday's post about comfort food I have to say, Damn that was some good spaghetti and broccoli! Here's the issue though - I ate by myself and when there is no one there to watch, no one will know how much you eat. I boiled up some whole grain pasta, heated up the spaghetti sauce, steamed some broccoli and made a small salad. I got my plate all set, not a ton of spaghetti like I normally do - you see spaghetti is one of my all-time favorites! It was probably more than the recommended serving size, but for me it was MUCH less than normal so I felt good about that. I finished it all and I wanted more. It wasn't because I was still hungry, it was because I love it and wanted to eat more of it. NOT necessary therefore I didn't get a second plate. So I started off good...

Here is the problem, the sauce! The sauce is soo good, I can eat it cold and it is delicious. Well I kept getting up and getting a spoon full here and spoonful there. Put a couple pieces of spaghetti noodles on the spoon here, cut a pieces of cheese off and add it to the sauce there... you get the picture! No one was there, no one would know I was "cheating". I can tell people about my good plate, they will never know about the many spoonfuls of sauce I ate afterwards. I realized this and cleaned up the kitchen, put the spoon in the dishwasher and bagged up the extra noodles. Here's the bad part - started using my finger as a spoon with the sauce! I know it's shameful but I have got to be honest about it so here it is. I took a couple of fingerfuls before I literally said out loud in my kitchen "What the Hell am I Doing?!" Why do I feel the need to sneak and cheat and take extra. There was no point! I was already full from dinner, WHY?!

Oh well dinner is over and done with - move on and tonight I am having spaghetti again. Tonight I am going to be stronger and not take any extra sauce. I could be good and put it away right away, however, NO I need to be strong and just say NO! hahaha! BUSTED last night by myself, that's a good start right?!


Jenny Rougas said...

Is it bad that when I read this I instantly wanted to eat the spaghetti too? Good for you about posting the good, bad, and ugly on your blog.

Honesty is my Diet said...

NO definitely not bad you started craving spaghetti! I do that all the time, see or read something that then want it! haha! Thanks for the support Jenny you ROCK! :)