Wednesday, July 20, 2011

This feeling again is GREAT!

Good Morning! I keep telling myself that this morning because my legs hurt sooo much today and I am trying to focus on something else! I felt something yesterday I haven't felt in 4+ years - I got into my car and had a hard time driving because my legs were soo tired and sore already! I haven't felt that since when I use to swim and we would do dryland(what swimmers call conditioning) on Tuesday or Thursday and then would have a really hard practice right after. At least I don't drive a stick like I did for a while in college, because I don't think I would have made it home yesterday. haha 

Here is why they hurt soo much: Tuesdays my friend at work and I work out from 4-5pm (we don't take a lunch break, instead take it at 4). We do this so 1 of the 5 days we can get a tad longer work out in since we don't have to worry about changing back into work clothes and looking/smelling presentable again, and our bosses will only allow us to do it 1 day a week. Well yesterday both of us were swamped and my friend couldn't even make it down, and I wasn't able to make it down until 4:25. Tuesday is our BIG cardio day and since I was only going to get 35 minutes instead of the usual 50-55 minutes I decided to step it up a bit. We have been doing this thing on the treadmill, some interval training, where we warm up for 5 minutes and then go into these 5 minute cycles, 2 minutes of fast running and 3 minutes of fast walking, and repeat that 5 minute cycle so many times and follow it all up with a 5 minute cool down. It's a great workout and especially one for weight loss and conditioning. I have done it at most on a 0.5% incline and typically run at a 5.5, pushing the last one to 6.0. Well yesterday since I was only going to get 5 cycles in (typically it is around 8 or 9) I did the whole thing on a 1.0% incline and the first run did at 5.6, middle 3 on 5.8, and the last on 6.1 and all the fast walks on 4.2, which normally I am 4.1 or 4.2. OMG that was a HARD workout! I really was feeling it at the end.

To top that off I left right after at 5pm and went straight to the YMCA to meet my boyfriend to go swimming. I did 1400 yards this time (200 more than last time). Here is what I did:

1 x 300 Freestyle warm-up
1 x 200 Free Kick w/a board
1 x 100 Free Pull w/buoy and paddles
1 x 200 IM Drill
1 x 100 IM Swim
1 x 50  Free cool down
6 x 50 Freestyle swim on 45 seconds
4 x 25 Butterfly swim on 30 seconds
1 x 200 Free warm down

The 200 kick with a board, it's sad that this was really difficult and by the 75 my legs were definitely feeling it! I tried pulling since I use to be really good at it; all those muscles are gone. Then the "main set" of 6 x 50s and 4 x 25s, my heart rate was through the roof and those intervals were truly difficult. It's amazing how much you lose and how fast. Butterfly, I can't pull under my body, it hurts too much because those muscles are basically gone and yelling at me WTF are you doing! haha! Anyway, swimming it hard but I have liked it both times. I will be going back on Thursday for sure. I need to get a new swimsuit still and my goggles, well the straps on them died yesterday so I have to switch to these goggles I don't like quite as much as my swedish ones. Oh well, I will get new stuff soon enough.

Today is another day, and another day of Jillian Michael's 30 Day Shred at lunch time. She is always good for an Ass Kicking so I am sure the legs won't get a break. It's okay though because to have this feeling again actually feels great! :) Hope you have a great day!!!

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