Tuesday, September 27, 2011

Good Friends, Wine & Food is my Spoon Full of Medicine!

I've been asked a couple of times how do I figure out what to write every day Monday-Friday for my blog? It seems like lately there has just been soooo much going on in my life that it has been coming pretty naturally. Granted there are days that my blogs are better than others, I am well aware of that and will be the first to admit it. However, this blog is for me, it is a place that I can virtually capture what happened that day or the day before and that is my focus. I come back and re-read what I have been through so that when similar situations arise I know how I have handled them before, did it work, did it not work etc. I have enjoyed greatly the support and followers of my blog and that just is the cherry on top that makes this so much more fun and enjoyable too. I truly do look forward to each morning sitting down and writing my blog. It's a great reflecting time for me - what do I want to remember/ get out of the day before? That's the truly interesting part about this experience. When you write something down it has the opportunity to live, have a breath of life and have a chance to last, hang around even if your mind chooses to forget it. You can always re-read what you wrote and that moment becomes real again.

Those are the moments that I am recording, those are the moments - the good and the bad that I want to remember along this journey. Where did I start? What were the high moments, the low moments, the times that I was truly frustrated or excited about the events in my life? This blog has helped me realize that stress has really played a big part into why I was where I was months ago. I know that should be an easy one to realize but, honestly how many people can honestly believe themselves that stress has had a large part in shaping who they have become and then after that start making conscience decisions to change that part in their lives, become less stressful, choose to not dwell in the things they have no control over? I hope you are one of those people that can say you have done that or are able to do that, but I know for me, until I started this blog I really couldn't. It took something like this for me to realize how much it was affecting me and I have been taking steps to control my stress. There is no way to eliminate stress from your life, but to be able to be in some kind of control of it has definitely helped.

Yesterday was a prime example. I did 2 things to help me - things at work lately have been crazy and at lunch I made myself go do a small workout even though I really didn't want to. It wasn't anything crazy, 30 minutes on the treadmill at no crazy speeds but afterwards I just felt better. I was more awake, the day seemed to go by better and I just was happier. Then after work I met a friend for good food, good wine, and good conversation. It's amazing how a great friend can just make you feel better, help straighten out your life and make things seem okay. I have a crazy week this week, and making time for that helps in the long run and I am sooo glad that I made time for her. Plus the down pour of rain was a wonderful mishap because we decided to head back inside to the bar and enjoy another glass of wine and conversation. :) Thanks Mother Nature! :) hahaha!

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