Tuesday, February 14, 2012

Happy Valentine's Day!

Happy Valentine's Day EVERYONE! Today is one of those days that is just a quirky day that honesty I think is nothing more than a Hallmark Holiday. However, with that being said I have an AMAZING Valentine this year and actually excited about it for the first time ever. I unfortunately don't get to see him today since he is 5 1/2 hours away, but I will this weekend and we are going to have a simple date night at home - making dinner together and watch a movie we have both wanted to see and been waiting to be together to watch. Like I said - simple but really excited about it since it is just want I want to do! I got him a Valentine's gift - a subscription to a Beer Club. (I know I am okay writing it here because he already saw it and LIKED it!) Not sure what he got me but I will find out later this weekend. :)

Today my Valentine's Day gift to myself is running 5 miles - Yippie! hahaha! I know not really a present but the good stuff is that I can maybe have some real desert and not "healthy" desert! hahaha! That's the present to myself. HAHA! Basically though today whether you have a Valentine or not do something for yourself that will make YOU happy! For me it is staying on my training program and showing myself I can do this. That makes me happy and I would do it even if I had my boyfriend here! What I am looking forward to after my run though is that I am my sister's Valentine today since she is single. We live together and going to spend dinner together tonight. I am not sure if she is going to cook something or we are going out, but either way I am really looking forward to it!!!

BTW - got on the scale today and was 163.2 lbs! I am almost back to my weight in October of 162.8 lbs - YIPPIE! Hopefully I will see 15-something soon. The good news is I know I am losing inches because my clothes are fitting much better. I haven't measured in a while so maybe I will do that today; we'll see.

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