Friday, February 17, 2012

Catch Up

WOW I am soo behind on my blog this week. It has been so busy I just haven't had time. Wednesday I got to work and didn't even get to sit down until after 9 and then yesterday I was at part 2 of the training class I was taking from lat week. Today is going to be very busy as well because I am going to try to get out of here early to get on the road to Charlotte to see my boyfriend. Plus I have to go pick up Wrigley (my Golden Retriever - aka love of my life) at doggie daycare which is right down the road since he is coming with me. That saves me 45-60 minutes round trip to go home and get him and get back to where my work is - sooo worth the money!

Okay here is a quick recap of this week thus far:

Tuesday - GREAT run! I ran 5 miles around my work at 4pm. Remember how I was trying to break 49 minutes in my race? I did 5 miles on Tuesday in 46 minutes and 52 seconds!!!! Granted there were NO bridges and it is mostly flat but still I was sooo proud of myself. I then went home and had a FANTASTIC Valentine's Day with my sister. She made me this great dinner with homemade red velvet brownies - OMG yummy! These were both recipes I had tagged on my pinterest account that I wanted to try, so how cute and thoughtful to pick those. We also enjoyed some bubbly champagne and watched Glee together. All in all AWESOME Valentine's Day! Bar is definitely set high for my boyfriend this weekend . :) hahahaha

Wednesday - Oh wow I did not want to work out on Wednesday. I knew I wouldn't have time to swim after work because I had lots of errands to run so I had to work out during my lunch hour. There was absolutely no part of me that wanted to go and exercise. I dragged my butt down there though and got on the elliptical and off I went for 45 minutes. I kinda bitched the whole way but I did it, I got it in. Even after I was done I didn't get the "wow I am soo glad I did that" which I get a lot after I work out when I don't want to - there is just always going to be days like that. The good news is that I I am not letting myself talk myself out of working out when I don't want to which I have done sooo many times in the past. Definitely a small no scale victory in my book on Wednesday this week.

Thursday - I ran 7 miles starting at 6:30 AM! I know right?!!! I am not a morning person everyone knows this by now, but when I found out it was suppose to rain Thursday afternoon when I originally was going to run I had to do it in the morning. I had a training seminar at 9am so that at least helped and let me start at 6:30 instead of 5:30 - Thank God! My sister joined me which I couldn't thank her enough for. We set out and away we went. It was omg humid and I of course forgot to take my inhaler before I ran so that caused a few problems. Oh well I made it through. It wasn't my fastest run but it was definitely my longest run to date. 7.53 miles (7 running the rest warm-up and down) in 1 hour and 19 minutes. I was soo proud of myself there isn't words to explain it. Only problem is oh wow I am sore and I felt it right after too. I have funny hips which have never bothered me this much before, but I never have run like this before and swimming there wasn't the impact like running has on them. Definitely need to start icing them after I run. Just like the good old days in swimming. hahaha!

Well I think that officially catches everyone up. Oh last night I went to this social for an organization I am with. I wasn't able to go in December or January so this is the first one since November. Soo many people told me I looked soo skinny and good and asked me what diet I was following. I had a smile across my face the whole night. Talk about a great motivator right there. It's things like that that I need to hold onto when I get frustrated to pick me back up or get me out and exercising. I mean I am by no means doing this for other people - it is my journey that I am doing for ME but it does help when others encourage along the way. The best though is the support of others that are on similar journeys and the support we give each other - for that I want to say thank you and you know who you are!!!

Well have a great weekend! I doubt I will write on Monday since I won't be in the office that day. Until Tuesday have fun and smile :)

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