Monday, July 9, 2012


Okay after some wise words of wisdom from some good friends and also a blog post on MFP I have decided that buying the size I am now is the best! I will say this though. If I can get a dress to zip up/tie up and it's tight I am still buying that one. Like everyone said it can definitely be taken in and I know they can be taken a tiny bit out if needed and if it fit to be begin with then I am all good.

I just can't wait to go shopping and put on a beautiful white dress! Every little girl dreams of that day - looking like a princess and as pretty as she has ever been. My wedding day in 9 months I know I will look beautiful no matter what number I am, I just want to look at pictures and feel the same way. That is what I am worried about I guess. I have a friend that says she hates looking at her wedding pictures because she was so much heavier than she ever wanted to be and it was the happiest day of her life. She is a gorgeous person and has definitely been a motivator for me, always been there for me, and someone that is just an amazing person - no matter what she says I think she looks gorgeous in her pictures! 

I know it can be silly to worry about, but it's what is on my mind lately. I just can't shake it so instead I need to figure out how to use it to drive me, to motivate me and use it towards my advantage. I am still struggling with that right now, but I know it will come. A friend has agreed to help me from afar by giving me work out plans and such. As they said the body is an amazing machine but it gets lazy and use to certain things so it's time to change it up. I am hoping with her help that can happen. Hopefully this week we can work together to figure out what is best for me. I can not thank her enough. I need something to shake things up for me and get me back on the right path. I have been a little astray lately. Time to focus back on me and that is what I intend to do. :)

Here's to a good week!

By the way - this is suppose to be a place I am honest and last week I was embarrassed I shot up to 166.4lbs - I gained 4 pounds in 1 weeks! I am hoping it was just a fluke but I didn't record it. I have since fixed that and it is now on "The Scale" - both last Monday's 166.4lbs and today's 163.0lbs! Sorry for not being honest, really to myself. 

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