When I started this blog over a month ago (can you believe it's been hat long already!) my only intention was for it to be a place for me to write down my thoughts, as place where I could be honest and feel safe doing it and a place to help me on my journey. I never imagined I would ever get a message like the one I did today and that just inspired me to keep going so much more. There aren't word to explain how amazing that made me feel - THANK YOU! (you know who you are!) I have gotten other messages too, both comments on my blog, on my facebook wall, texts too saying they enjoy my blog and love reading it and I thank every last one of you! This one today just really hit me and made me realize that there are soo many people out there just like me that are struggling with their own journeys. It's great that we can all support each other! Thank you to EVERYONE that reads my blog and let's keep inspiring each other forward!!! :)
My Blog for Today:
I have realized that this journey is one that is not a day or week fix, not even a month fix, it is something that I will most likely deal with for a very long time, and I am okay with that. I started to look back through some pictures of me on my facebook page of when I was swimming. I found 2 of me when I was tiny! It's really hard to believe that I went from the 2 pictures you see here to the picture I posted of me at my heaviest in 4 years (if you missed it click here for "Changing Looks"). I mean I guess 50+lbs in 4 years isn't terrible, it's just the in-shape part that kills me. I actually had this conversation with my boyfriend not to long ago about what we missed about swimming, about being in such amazing shape. I could do anything, go play a game of frisbee, play a pick up game of tag-football, go do aerobic for 30 minutes before doing a 2.5hr swimming workout and not think twice about it, go join a spinning class for the hell of it, plant trees all day for a community service project, you name it it wasn't a big deal. Now it is much more of a big deal, but I am working at changing that. I don't ever expect to be in the shape you see here in these pictures, that is what 30-40 hours of intense exercise per week, which I don't ever plan on doing again, nor have the time, but just being healthy again is the goal. I actually was watching Extreme Makeover: Weight Loss Edition last night and really got inspired! These people are morbidly obese and doing it, so there is NO REASON I can't do it!
I am looking forward to getting into shape again though. I have noticed a huge difference in just the short amount of time that I have been going at this. I have felt better, don't get nearly as tired at work anymore, and seem to get a lot more done during the day. I also have more motivation to get up off the couch and go do things, even things like errands. I enjoy doing active things again, and want to do them more. I went into one of my favorite stores yesterday, Anthropologie for the first time in a long time. I haven't been in in a while because I didn't fit into anything and it made me feel depressed. Their stuff runs small (has anyone else noticed that?), but yesterday I tried on stuff for seriously 30-45 minutes and EVERYTHING fit! I had a 15% off, even clearance card for my birthday this month and I bought myself a little Birthday present, a super cute little dress that I can't wait to wear on my birthday this coming weekend! (I'll post a picture I promise) It's things like that yesterday that really help me move forward! I got onto the scale this morning too and another 1.2lbs fell off, even with my high calorie weekend! I can't help but smile while writing this blog today! Things are working for me and it's GREAT! Like I said though, I still have a lot of work to do, but it is nice to have motivation and a goal again. Here's to always working hard, constantly learning, moving forward and having being healthy again as my #1 goal!
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