Monday, June 20, 2011

Portion Control is my Mt. Everest

Yesterday I realized that I can preach all day about portion control and that I have to change that, but that is exactly where my problem lies - I don't know how to make myself portion control with good food! I decided to make a meal in "honor" of my dad for Father's Day since I couldn't be with him. I made BBQ chicken on the charcoal grill, slow cooked it on indirect heat and smoked them too! OMG they were delicious! That wasn't the problem. The problem is that I had a ear of corn that was also cooked on the grill, a large helping of potato salad and coleslaw, and 2 pieces of Texas toast. The only thing that makes me feel better is everywhere that I could make up calories, fat, etc I did. Lite Mayo and very very little, lite Texas toast (which by the way tastes better than the regular because you actually taste the bread), Ultra beer, etc... I just ate too much! I was soo full afterwards but it was soo good! I wish I had eaten about 1/2 of what I did and I would have still enjoyed the food. Oh well too late now.

What I also have to learn is that I can't snap my fingers and everything be perfect all the time. That my bad habits will go away just like that. I am happy that I am recognizing these things though and bringing them to my attention. I just need to remember them while I am eating. What is helpful is there have been quite a few people that have told me they know exactly what I am going through and that they were able to change. One of my friends lost 40lbs in 4 months just by portion control and exercise! WOW that is inspiring and makes me realize I can do this. I found the link (  at our local Mayo Clinic that does a pretty good job showing correct portion sizes for common foods comparing them to everyday items. It's not about always measuring out your food, it's about understanding what a portion/ serving size is and doing your best to stay within that range.


Jennifer Hageman said...

Nice blog and best wishes on your journey. I need to get back in shape, too! I read somewhere that you should be within 10 lbs of the weight you were at age 18. Oh, geez, yeah, right, that seems impossible.

Check out Jackie Warner's book "This is why you're fat".

Honesty is my Diet said...

HAHAHA Ya I don't think that is possible because I was in great shape working out liek a crazy person at 18! Thanks though for the support Jen, it is greatly apprecaited.

I will look into the book thanks :)