Monday, July 11, 2011

Monday Morning Success

Good Morning! I am in a good mood this morning after this weekend! I slept sooo much (14.5hrs Friday night and 12hrs Saturday night) to re-energize myself since I was dragging last week, it definitely worked and was much needed and appreciated. I ate well too, tracked well (yes I really did I am soo proud of myself), and got in a great exercise on Sunday. I actually felt really good yesterday during on the middle of the day and got onto a scale. I NEVER get onto a scale in the middle of the day, I ALWAYS get on it first thing in the morning. To my surprise I was down! It read 174.6lbs! Yippie! Last time I weighted in was in the morning and it was 175.8.    :)

I got to thinking and I think one of the things that is really helping is tracking my food. Yes my good friend you were right and I was wrong. Wow that was hard, but I can admit when I was wrong. :) hehe  Anyway, I started using this new site to track my food and exercise instead of the LiveStrong Daily Plate. This new site is called: MyFitnessPal. I find it easier to use than LiveStrong as it is just a simpler site (plus the phone ap is free and LiveStrong's is $2.99). It also has some really awesome features that LiveStrong doesn't. You do the same thing as on LiveStrong when you sign up; enter your sex, age, height, weight, activity, and your weekly goal (gain/loss). You also enter something new which is how many times a week you work out and for how long. It then generates it all and not only gives you your daily calories amount, but also how many calories you should aim to burn a week to be successful in your goal. LiveStrong does do that 2nd part. The other neat feature is that at the end of the day after you have entered all your food and activity you can hit "Complete this entry" and it will tell you that if you do everything exactly the same as you did today everyday you will be X weight in 5 weeks. It is really motivating!

I am finding that I am using this resource more than LiveStrong so I am going to stick with this one instead. I think as long as you find something that works for you that is all that matters. You may not like Myfitnesspal and like LiveStrong better - Great! I just thought I would share another option, especially one that is working really well for me. I actually tracked my food EVERY DAY last week! WOW can you believe it? It really is eye opening when you start tracking. You don't realize what you are putting into your body until you start tracking. The biggest realization for me was the fluid calories for me. I rarely drink sodas, but alcohol really adds up and more than you think. My Bloody Mary I like was 320 calories! I thought it was more like 200 - that's a big difference! It has been a real eye opener for me tracking food. I am glad that my friend pushed me to do it, because between tracking and getting back into working out I am beginning to lose weight and get over my hump.

I am looking forward to this week I hope you are too!

PS - I just completed Level 2 of the Jilian Michael's 30 Day Shred dvd; WOW! Talk about a great workout and a hard one at that. Definitely will be at the level for a few weeks. Struggled through but made it! :)

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