Tuesday, July 5, 2011


I am all sorts of backwards today. It's Monday, it's Tuesday? As much as a LOVED my 4 day weekend, I am wishing I could also have today off too to recover and catch up on sleep. I am more tired than I normally am on a Monday, I have twice as much work as a Monday, but at least the weekend is 1 day closer this week. I need a vacation from my vacation! I am absolutely ZONKED! Don't get me wrong, I had a FABULOUS weekend and would do it all over again if given the chance, there would just be a few minor changes I would make.

  • First, I would definitely have cut back on the amount that I drank. I actually never got really drunk, many good buzzes, it just seemed like I always had a drink in my hand the whole time. I definitely would drink if I had to do it again as I am not one to turn down a good cocktail you know! ;) I would pick and choose where I drank, as I am sure the calories I drank were more than I needed. As a good friend said it when her mom suggested to cut out drinking all together to lose weight - she just looked at her mom and laughed. haha

  • Second, after I posted my blog on July 4th I headed out for some errands. I decided to stop at Burger King (I know I know) and get a Whopper w/ cheese and no mayo. Burger King burgers are the only ones I would ever eat from as fast food place, as I thought they were good and had been craving one lately. (I apparently crave burgers) It did taste yummy, not as good as I thought it would be which was disappointing. Not long after I ate it my body started revolting that decision I swear. I got a headache, and my stomach was not happy as it was making all sorts of noises and whatnot. Definitely won't be doing that again and definitely wouldn't stop there if I got to redo my weekend. I am done with that type of food!

  • Third, do a bit better on planning. I felt like I was running around everywhere all weekend! Here and there and never really got to just sit down and relax, turn my brain off. I went to the beach yesterday on the 4th during the late afternoon and ended up passing out on the beach for 2+ hours! I mean I have fallen asleep on the beach don't get me wrong, but not like that. I mean I was out out, didn't move for 2+ hours in the sun. It is like an oxymoron, I was sleeping to re-energize myself, but was in the sun which was sucking the energy right out of me. haha! Oh well, it was a great 4th. :)

I am looking forward to getting back to the norm this week, eating, working out, and sleeping. Hope everyone has a great week and had a great holiday weekend! :)

PS - I need to re-do my week of using LiveStrong DailyPlate. I shouldn't have started that on a week that I had a 4 day weekend. I barely touched a computer for 4 days. Oops. I will be good this week and see how it goes.

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