Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Celebrate Life!

August 9th 2010 I almost lost someone very close to me. Today a year later, this person is celebrating life today to it's fullest! I am so very thankful to have this person in my life still, as I truly am not sure what I would do without them.

I woke up this morning and actually got out of bed at 6:10am (I know not to early for some but for me that is early!) and went for a walk with my dog to reflect on the last year for not just myself, but mostly about the loved one I thankfully still have in my life today. I walked 1 of the 5 miles I pledged for my team's 100 miles challenge this week. I thought about how much I bitch and complain in the mornings about how I don't want to get up early or really just out of bed period. Today this person got out of bed and realized they very well could not have and went and sat on the beach to watch the sunrise and take in the day. If they could do that, I definitely could get up and walk my dog for 20 minutes, 1 mile in the morning.

We take so many things for granted each day and bitch about the others and don't think that they could very well be taken away from us in less than a heartbeat. I realized this morning that this journey for me is  much more than just losing weight and learning how to to be healthy again, it is about life and learning how to enjoy and love it to its fullest! I have said it before, "Life is too short to dwell and worry about the things that don't matter!" That's truly what I am learning on this journey and love it. I had a blast on Saturday with my girlfriend and many other friends for her bachlorette party. No I didn't stay within my calorie count nor did I get a workout in that day but it didn't matter in the long scheme of things. I am not going to remember that a year later when I am talking about the evening, I am going to remember that I had a great time celebrating that she is going to marry a great guy! That is what life is all about, enjoying it! Being healthy so you can enjoy it that much longer is the key and what I am striving for on my journey. However, just like food before controlled my life and caused problems in weight and control issues, now that I am learning to be better with it, I am not going to let it control me in a different way.

Celebrate Life today! Hug those you love a bit tighter and tell them you love them more often, live life the way you want to and enjoy it everyday because it's short and we should cherish all those in our lives!!!

Have a GREAT Tuesday! :)

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