Monday, August 8, 2011


Each weekend presents new challenges that I have to deal with. I knew this would happen, so it's no "surprise" but they still sneak up on me I feel like. Saturday I knew I had a bridal shower and then later the bachlorette party. I knew that I would be over if I didn't work out, so Friday when I went to bed I figured I would wake up go work out and then start my crazy day. Well that is what I thought until I woke up at 11:15am and realized I still had to get up, shower, eat, look presentable, and run by target for a present. There was no time to work out!

I wasn't sure about food at the party so I ate something before I left. I then ate some things while I was there too and some wine cooler stuff. I knew we were going to go out too later and there would definitely be drinking involved; it's a bachlorette party! I had a bit of time to kill so I met my boyfriend and his friend at a bar they were hanging out at before dinner for a bit. I was good because I didn't have a beer even though I really wanted one. I wanted to save it for later that night. I didn't really need one then anyway. At dinner I knew I only had 403 calories left for the whole night. There was NO way I was going to make it and drink. I really was wishing I had worked out, but at the point there was nothing I could have done. I struggled though, should I just get what I really want, I mean I was going to go over my points regardless, or should I still be good and keep it to a minimal? I battled for a while and in the end I chose to be good. I ordered a chicken breast sandwich that had a grilled pineapple on top with lettuce and tomato, no condiments with a side salad. I chose to not eat the bread to help out. I felt really good about my decision and it was delicious and filled me up without being stuffed. There was even some fried calamari that was ordered for the table and I snacked on a few pieces but nothing too much.

I stuck to Michelob Ultra that night because I knew they were 95 calories each and I could keep track of them easier. Trying to judge what is in a mixed drink would be difficult. I did take one shot with the girls, but it was just straight tequila, so again, easy to track. The struggle is that I really felt bad going over and that I didn't work out. I had just written a blog on planning ahead (Planning is your Best Weapon) the day before and I failed on it the very next day. I had to put it all aside and enjoy myself, not go all out on the food, and alcohol. I was a bit apprehensive to put the numbers in for Saturday and in fact didn't until Sunday evening. What I was surprised with was that I only went over by 332 calories. It wasn't like it was something crazy! I was pleasantly surprised! :)

This week my parents are coming into town on Thursday night and will be here through the weekend. That will definitely present a challenge, but I know if I stay strong, get my work outs in, and just be level headed I will get through it with flying colors. I wasn't able to report to my August Team Challenge that I made my calorie count every day; only Saturday I didn't make it. This week my goal is to be able to say I made it every day! Below is this weeks challenges! Feel free to do them too if you want! :)

AUGUST CHALLENGE WEEK 2: Unleashing the Beast Within!

This is the week two team challenge. This should be done in addition to your normal workout routine. This is a challenge and is not a replacement! If you need a beginner workout please contact your team captain for ideas.

Week Two Daily Exercise Challenge
Daily Exercise = 1 point per member per day. If everyone does it you will be awarded a 5 point bonus for the team!

Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 50 Squat Kicks* ( )

Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 50 Swimmer’s Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk,run( * You may use cans of soup or bottles of water if u don’t have weights

Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 50 Sit ups or Ab Crunches* + 50 Mountain Climbers
( )

Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 3 sets of 21’s + 100 Jumping Jacks (Bicep Curls may be done with cans of soup or bottles of water if you don’t have any weights)
( ) 21’s The video is a little long sorry.

Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 50 Globe jumps + 100 Jumping Jacks + 100 Stair Climbs (jog or run)
( )

Day 6 Exercise Challenge – 40 Shoulder Presses + 1 extra mile + 50 crunches
( Shoulder Press

Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

Week Two Weekly Team Challenge:
Each team must coordinate a 100 mile walk, run, jog outside of their normal running jogging. You will to volunteer how much you can walk. If the team does accomplish the 100 mile challenge they will be rewarded with 5 bonus point. In addition to the 100 mile walk each team member must submit their favorite recipe to the group forum, along with the nutritional value. If someone submits your favorite you must find another recipe to submit.

*Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe.

UPDATE: I forgot to post that last week I did ALL my daily challenges - Yay Me! I hit my water consumption goal of 64oz each day (that's the standard 8 glasses of water that is the recommended amount you should be drinking every day), however, I did not hit my calorie intake goal on Saturday, everyday BUT Saturday I did. This week my goal is to be 100% on everything! I pledged an extra 5 miles this week for my team's 100 mile challenge (that doesn't include the extra miles in the daily challenges). This will be difficult because my parents will be here Thursday evening through the weekend. I'm ready for the challenge though!!!

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