Monday, August 15, 2011


GOOD MORNING!!! I couldn't be in a better mood this morning! I had a FABULOUS weekend that I don't even care it's Monday. As I said on Friday, my parents were in town this past weekend and we had a great time. They stopped by my office on their way into town on Friday morning. That completely made my day because I didn't have to wait to see them until I left work. They met my boss and I showed them around my office. I felt proud to show them where I worked and my space, proof that I am all grown up and stuff you know. haha I left work shortly after lunch and headed home to spend the rest of the day with them. We ran some errands and went by this fish market that was a bit far away but wow was it worth it. I saw them fillet out Grouper right in front of us before we bought it; it was sooo fresh and delicious. I also got to enjoy fresh shrimp that night too. :) Happy Days!

Saturday my parents took us shopping - what girl isn't going to enjoy that! :) We went out to the Outlet Mall for sales and "Tax Free Weekend"! I got sooo many new things, it was amazing! I couldn't be more thankful though to my parents for that, I really got some great stuff. The BEST part was that I bought 3 new pairs of pants and ALL 3 were size 8!!!!! I haven't been a size 8 in probably 3 years! Seriously it was amazing and it wasn't like it was just 1 store, Black & White, Gap, and Ann Taylor I was an 8 in all 3 stores! :) I literally did the happy dance in the dressing room open area when I was showing my mom and sister. I also bought some medium tops too, some were still larges, but to get a few that were mediums and they fit great was amazing. I didn't even have to buy anything, just knowing that I am now those sizes definitely could have been enough for me. However, getting to wear them is that much better too :)

I was also proud of myself because we went to a BBQ place for lunch and instead of ordering what I normally love, I opted for the salad bar with a side of pulled pork. I dumped the pork on the salad, put bbq sauce on top and made a fantastic BBQ pork salad! Definitely A LOT better than I would have ordered in the past and I didn't miss anything. Okay maybe the garlic toast, but come on, who doesn't LOVE a good piece of garlic toast. haha! I did take 1 bite just to make sure it was alright for everyone else to have. :) hehe  That evening we went to a friend's house for dinner. Their parents and ours are friends and we thought it would be a great time. We had burgers and to cut out some of the calories I only put a bun on the bottom for support, but the top I used a piece of lettuce. I still got the bun, still got what I wanted, but cut out some carbs and calories that I didn't need. I was proud of myself for my choices on Saturday! I still went over on calories which I was bummed about, but it was all in the chips and dip before dinner. I just can't help myself with chips and dip! :) Oh well there are worse things in life!

Sunday was another great day. Spent some quality time with the parents in the morning. We then headed out to southeast of town where the military base is. This is also the area that we use to live 20-21 years ago. We went by an old family favorite restaurant for lunch and I enjoyed a pound of crab legs that was on special! I didn't use the butter but instead lemon juice - yay me! :) We then stopped by and saw our old house together that was really neat. I even remembered exactly how t o get to my best friend's house from my old house. Next we went by the Elementary School I went to Kindergarden and 1st grade at. I walked straight to my kindergarden classroom (I have a memory that rocks apparently!) and was pleasantly surprised to find my same kindergarden teacher was there in the same room! Since it was a Sunday no one was there (it's an open campus and how I was able to walk and find the room) so I left her a note and put it into the door. I hope I hear from her because that totally made my day!!!

Later that afternoon my boyfriend and dad met for the first time! It went really well and what was even better was that he totally did not feel well, in fact he got sick before he came over. He knew it was important and yet he put a smile on, cleaned up and brought 2 bottles of wine over. He didn't eat with us because he wasn't feeling well, but it went well and this morning before my dad left to return home he told me that my boyfriend was a really good guy and he was very happy for me. That is HUGE for my dad to say that, and it meant the world to me!

All in all a GREAT weekend! I am looking forward to this week. Oh in case you want to join here is week 3 daily challenges for my August Team Challenge I am doing on MyFitnessPal:

Week Three Daily Exercise Challenge Daily Exercise = 1 point per member per day. If everyone does it you will be awarded a 5 point bonus for the team!


Day 1 Exercise Challenge - 50 Squat Kicks* and 3 sets of 12 Woodchops ( ) ( )

Day 2 Exercise Challenge – 50 Military Presses + 1 Extra Mile jog, walk,run + 3 sets of 21’s ( )

Day 3 Exercise Challenge – 200 Jumping Jacks + 100 Mountain Climbers + 20 Lunges ( )

Day 4 Exercise Challenge – 3 sets of 21’s + 200 Jumping Jacks + 3 sets of 12 woodchops ( ) 21’s The video is a little long sorry.

Day 5 Exercise Challenge – 100 AB Crunches + 50 Burpees (Oh yes they are back) Up/Downs ( )

Day 6 Exercise Challenge – Walk, run, swim, jog, bike 2 miles today. That’s it you’ve kicked your own butt this week!

Day 7 Rest! You deserve it!

Week Three Weekly Team Challenge Team Challenge as a team to do at least 4000 ab crunches for the week. So a team of 20 would need each person to do 200 Crunches extra for the week. Let’s burn that belly fat away! *Feel free to do these exercises in sets if you are unable to do them all at one time. Please do your best as you are much stronger than you believe. Please note each week the exercises will increase in difficulty. This will push each team member. Modifications will be provided for those who unable to complete the exercise as intended.



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