Tuesday, August 16, 2011

Small Victories

Have you ever thought to yourself how many little victories you have with yourself that no one knows about or would understand? I have been having a lot of those lately I feel like which I am loving!

I know I stopped exercising 4.5+ years ago because I was burnt out, however, it lasted that long because I was sacred to fail. I had that issue while I was swimming in college, and once I got over it I began to swim well again. I had that same fear with working out again or eating correctly now. I didn't know how to exercise like a normal person, nor eat like one and I didn't want to fail at it. I didn't want to change my mindset. These past 2 months have really opened my eyes to a lot of things as I finally got enough courage to accept failure if it came, pick myself and keep trying. I am working out again, and not just strapping on some running shoes and heading out the door, but really working on what's best for me for my body. This August Challenge has been great because it is forcing me to do these exercises that I was fearful of doing again. I mean who actually likes doing Burpees - NO ONE! But everyone that has done them knows that they are a great exercise and I am doing them. I got back in the water for the first time in a long time (thanks to my great boyfriend who I thank!) and am really enjoying it again. I am pushing myself again internally again and really enjoying that mental battle again. That is a small victory that I love!

I am also learning how to eat like a normal person. No more 3000-3500 calories per day anymore; there is no need! I am learning how to substitute certain things I use to eat for a healthier and even sometimes tastier alternative. I am making choices like not to use butter but fresh lemon instead, or limiting myself with the "free" bread at dinner tables. Asking myself if I really am hungry or am I just eating to eat. I see on MyFitnessPal every day people putting up small victories and it really makes sense to me! One lady said she took her kids to the park to go walking together and an ice cream truck came by. She bought ice cream for them but not herself which she would have normally done. Instead she came home and cut up some cantaloupe and put some cold fat free cool whip on top for a sweet healthy treat. She was so proud of herself for the personal small victory. It is things like that that really keep me motivated, striving and looking forward to my next small victory. Like my decision to pass up as I drive by Chick-fil-a my favorite morning treat, a chicken biscuit from there. Instead I come to work and make myself a plate of some hard boiled eggs (1 with yoke, 1 without), fat free and no salt cottage cheese, and some sort of fruit. It is healthy, tasty, fills me up, and gets me going in the morning. To me that is a small victory everyday. I don't buy chips for breakfast either anymore - yes I really did do that, and often.

Yesterday my victory is I went swimming and I didn't feel half bad in the water! It still is a challenge but it is definitely getting easier and I really noticed it yesterday. I did 2,200 yards, the most I have done thus far and I think I could have kept going and hit 3,000 but I know my boyfriend really didn't want to swim yesterday and was only there for me. Plus he was sick the day before and still not feeling 100% yet. For his sake I quit at 2,200 after a "long" aerobic set. We are going back today, maybe I will try for 2,500. :)

What are  your small victories? What keeps you going? I know mine and would love to hear about yours too!!!

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