Friday, August 12, 2011


This morning I was curious and got back on the scale - 171.6! Yay 0.8lb loss. I was really bummed when I got on the scale yesterday and didn't lose anything. I am not going to record anything on "My Scale" today here on my blog - I am going to go with Wednesday next week and use Thursday's #. It just helped today to know I am still moving in the right direction. I have been working really hard and it just gets frustrating you know when the scale doesn't move or moves in a direction you don't want to.

I go up again this morning - GO ME! and worked out. i didn't go for a walk but I needed to do my daily challenge exercises from yesterday and today. 3 sets of 21's, 100 jumping jacks, 50 globe jumps, and 100 more jumping jacks. I threw some crunches in there too and got 20 minutes worth of exercises in. Those globe jumps - HOLY COW those are hard to do! This morning I knew I had to get up because my parents are getting in town this morning and it would be a lot harder to get them in tonight. I still have to do 100 stair climbs and get in 1 of my extra miles I pledged but I know I will be able to do that so I am not worried.

This weekend is going to be a GREAT one! My parents are going to be in town which I am soo excited about. I haven't seen my dad since Christmas and my mom since April. My family is very close so that's a long time and it will be great to spend time with them. In fact, they are stopping by my office since they pass by it to say hello and meet my boss. I'm happy i don't have to wait until the end of the day to see them! This weekend my boyfriend is also going to meet my dad for the first time! He met my mom in April, but since my dad wasn't able to come then, this will be their first meeting. He is nervous which is super cute, plus it means he cares which I love. I know things will go great because so far he likes everything he has heard. It's just a tad nerve-recking you know, the first time your boyfriend meets your dad! You think I would be nervous eating, but I really have been good which is great - thank God! I am actually looking forward to Sunday when they will get to meet.

Well I don't know if I will have time to write anything this weekend, so definitely check back on Monday and I will let you know how it goes! Btw - I set a goal to this week for my Team Challenge to hit all my targets and that includes calorie counts so I am going to be a good girl this weekend just you watch! :)

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