Tuesday, August 23, 2011

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Tuesday Morning! You know what Tuesday means - Long Cardio workout at 4pm today. I actually get excited about Tuesdays now, however come about 2:30pm when I haven't had a break yet I start getting a tad restless. Oh well, just more to put into my workout at 4pm! :)

Yesterday I said to check back and I would update on this weeks daily challenges. I'm sorry I didn't have a chance to post them. Here they are:

Day 1: 2 sets of 20 Windshield Wipers, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of Swimmer’s Press
Day 2: 2 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
Day 3: 20 Split Squat Jumps, 3 sets of 20 Wood Chops
Day 4: 40 ZigZag Hops, 3 sets of 21’s, 2 sets of 15 Swimmer’s Press
Day 5: 2 sets of 20 Burpees, 50 Squat Kicks, 20 Globe Jumps
Day 6: 20 Mountain Climbers, 3 Sets of 20 Wood Chops, 3 sets of 20 Tuck Jumps
Rest on Sunday (or day of choice)
*** Link to find out how to do a bunch of the above jumps: http://www.sport-fitness-advisor.com/plyometricexercises.html 

We also had to pledge jumping jacks, abs, and extra miles for the team. I struggled getting all my 1500 abs in last week - I did it but it was still hard. This week I pledged to do 600 abs, 600 jumping jacks, and 5 extra miles. I'm adding 100 abs and jumping jacks to each of the daily challenge exercises and 1 extra mile for 5 days. I have found that I like doing circuits again - SHOCKING I know! I use to hate those during dryland (what swimmer's call conditioning on land), but now it keeps me motivated and I don't get bored. Like today I have 2 sets of 20 tuck jumps, 50 squat kicks, and 20 globe jumps and in addition 100 abs and 100 jumping jacks. I will most likely do 2 rounds of 10 tuck jumps, 50 abs, 10 squat kicks, 50 jumping jacks and 25 globe jumps. It will be a difficult circuit, but it will be a great burn and all that I can hope for. :)

I really am enjoying these MFP Challenges. I have always struggled coming up with things to do on my own and these challenges tells me what I have to get done and things that I can do (some very difficult, but I challenge myself and get them done). I also joined a swimming challenge where we have 1 or 2 things each week that we need to incorporate into our workouts. This week it's 16x25s fly on the fastest interval possible and 10x50s where the 1st 25 is a no breather. It's great and I am really enjoying swimming again. Who would have thought that 4.5 years later I would find joy in doing it again?!

I really am enjoying working out again. I guess after 16 years of doing nothing but, I was just burnt out and wanted nothing to do with it for a while. Unfortunately that has a consequence and 50+lbs later there I was. today I have lost 23lbs, have found a liking to working out again and have a growing passion for learning how to be healthier. I've been stuck at the 171-173lb range right now for a bit, but I know I will break through and that scale will have a 16 in it soon! :) It's not about the quick change, it's about the learning, the long term and the journey itself.

I saw a quote on a friend's facebook wall that I really liked and wanted to share:
"Quit living in a negativeframe of mind, stewing about something that is over and done. Focus on what you can change, rather than what you can't. Shake yourself out of that 'should have, could have,would have' mentality & dont' let the regrets of yesterday ruin the dreams of tomorrow!"

Enjoy your day - I know I will! :)

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