Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Take on the World

After yesterday's post I was in a great mood, ready to take on the day and very up-beat. By the end of the day that had been wiped clean. It's amazing how when things get turned upside down it can really change your perspective. I had a meeting at 9:30am with a total of 6 people. My boss had asked myself and another colleague to organize the meeting and get the research done before hand. By 10:45am yesterday he still had not made it into the building. At 11 when he got here there were things he decided to take care of first and we didn't start the meeting until noon. I had my whole day planned out and sitting in limbo for 2.5 hours really just through everything into the air. I didn't want to start anything big because I didn't want to get interrupted partially through it. I finished up some odds and ends but it was a LONG wait, and it got to be very frustrating. That basically changed my entire mood for the day sadly.

Being that it was Tuesday and I worked out at 4pm for a long cardio, I opted to help out my boyfriend and make some calls to apartment complexes and find out information. Oh I haven't mentioned, he is moving to Charlotte, NC for a great job that starts on September 12th. Sad Day! It's definitely bittersweet, but we'll make it work. Anyway, I wanted to be supportive and help out with doing the research to find a place. I ended up not getting downstairs to the gym until 4:35. I did a 10 minute elliptical session, going 1 mile, and then the circuit I mentioned yesterday in "Happy Tuesday". I really struggled to get it all done because I just wasn't in the mood anymore to take on the world you know. I got done right at 5 and through everything somehow and headed to the YMCA for a swim. I was excited about the swim though because I already had a practice written in my head and it was bumping me to 2,750 yards with some good sets! I'm finding I like swimming better than getting onto a machine and running; but that shouldn't be a surprise because that is how it has always been my whole life.

I told my boyfriend before we started that I had a practice all written and that it was 2,750. He replied that I was starting to get a lot more serious than he was and more motivated a lot faster than he was. He definitely had been coming the past couple of times for me, which I love about him. He also knows it's good for him to be swimming to, so it's a good ying and yang. I hope when he moved he keeps it up or picks something else and keeps working out, he has been doing really well with it and I am proud of him! So I jumped in and did my 900 warm-up. I was going to start my main set and asked him if he wanted to do it with me. He asked what it was (look below for the set) and after I told him he agreed and said he could do it. He even opted to lead which made me happy that he wanted to do this with me and was going to step it up. It was a hard set in that it kept your heart rate up the whole time! I also did 16x25 fly swim on the fastest interval I could hold which I picked 28 seconds (this was one of the challenge sets from the swimming challenge I am part of on MFP - Thanks girl!!). I was pleasantly surprised that 28 seconds actually wasn't that bad and on top of that I could complete 16 25s butterfly without absolutely just dying! I want to do them again in the near future (hint hint girl - haha!), maybe in a few weeks and see if I can hold 25 seconds instead.

Main Set:

1x100 IM swim @ 1:40
4x25 Fly swim @ :30
2x50 Back swim @ :50
1x100 Breast swim @ 2:00
1x200 Free pull @ 3:00
**2 times through

Later yesterday evening I was out with my boyfriend and a friend of ours a our favorite local bar playing trivia. We also ate dinner there. I chose the Gyros for dinner with black beans. There is an option for 1 or 2 and I forgot to specify so I guess 2 is the default because that is what I got. I inhaled the first one and beans - I forgot how hungry you get after swimming! I had to physically tell myself not to grab the 2nd one and just wait until what I just ate hit me to see if I needed the other one. I ate so fast that I still had the hungry feeling after I finished the 1st one that the 2nd one looked yummy. I am glad I waited because I definitely didn't need that second one. That was a small victory for me! (want to know what I am talking about - check out this blog - "Small Victories") We actually got into a conversation because our friend had lost 10lbs in like the last month because he started running again and just watching he amount he ate, but still ate whatever - stupid guys, soo not fair! I told him I had lost 23lbs in the last 10 months, 8 of which were the last 2 months. I have had to start working out again and really watching what I am eating and monitoring it. It's working but it's not fair the differences between males and females! I told him that there was definitely a time when I wouldn't have cared and eaten both gyros regardless, but that's how I gained 50+ pounds and put me where I am today.

It's funny how something so simple can make you look at things differently and last night did that. I really would have just eaten everything regardless before, now I am smarter about my decisions. Last night made me realize how far I have already come in my journey these last well really 2 months. I know I still have lots to learn and miles ahead to complete, but I know I am headed in the right direction and that definitely helped change my mood back to being able to take on the world!

PS - I weighed in today so make sure you check out "The Scale"

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