Thursday, September 8, 2011

Change can be difficult

I DON'T WANT TO BE AT WORK TODAY! Today is my boyfriend's last full day here in town before he leaves tomorrow for his new home in Charlotte. Talk about no motivation to be here because all I can think about is getting out of here and going to be with him. Tomorrow I am definitely NOT coming in. He most likely isn't leaving until after lunch sometime so I want to spend the morning/early afternoon with him before he leaves and there will definitely be NO part of me that will want to go back into work afterwards. I am sure I will be a "hot-mess" (haha) tomorrow afternoon/evening!

This has definitely been a reason I have been in a BLAH mood this week, especially yesterday. I mean I have been soo happy lately and he is definitely been a huge reason for that. I know it is going to be a big adjustment once he leaves and I can't see him during the week and whenever I want to. It's going to be hard at first and I am sure I will struggle here and there, but with time I know it will get easier. He will be a huge help though because he is all ready and tells me that there is nothing to worry about we will be fine and he loves me. I get to see him next weekend, as my favorite band Incubus is going to be in Charlotte and we have tickets! :) I am just going to have to look forward to the next time we get to be together and not look at the overall picture to keep me going and be okay.

What I am worried about is slipping and letting myself fall in the weak moments I know I am going to have. I already did it yesterday with the Chick-fil-a chicken biscuit I had for breakfast. I have been working soo hard and I hate to take steps backwards. The thing I have to come to terms with is that life will always have forward and backwards steps; the key is when backward steps do occur how to you recognize it and only take allow yourself to take one or a couple and not make it a ton of steps backwards? That is what I am going to have to work on. I know that I will definitely be working out more since I will have the time. I want to get into swimming more, make sure I am swimming 3 times a week. I actually got my new suit in the mail yesterday so I am looking forward to using it for the first time.

This is just another piece to my journey. I knew it would never be easy and if I did I was definitely just kidding myself. Life sure does throw you curve balls and you just have to learn how to knock them out of the park - yes I just made a corny baseball reference! :) haha! I'm sure I will keep you updated on how things are going but the next month or 2 is definitely going to be difficult for me. I just will have to keep reminding myself it's not forever and that I can do this. Yesterday was hard but I kept making the right choices and by the end of the day I was in a good mood - granted I watched Friends for a while and just laughed all the time so that definitely helped! :) haha!

PS - Definitely won't have a post up tomorrow morning but maybe the end of the day. if not I will definitely post this weekend at least once. Keep checking back! :)

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