Monday, September 12, 2011

It's Monday!

The beginning of each week you either feel energized to get things going, you know what has to be done for the week and you are on a mission or you are dragging ass and not looking forward to that long list for the week. You know it's true, it's either one or the other. Today I am definitely ready to go looking forward to this week going by quickly! I have a lot to do but that is a good thing, as it will mean that I won't get bored and the week will just scoot along and before I know it, it will be noon on Friday and I will be burning rubber to Charlotte! :)

This week I really want to turn things around. I made it through the weekend (I posted about it yesterday so make sure you check it out - Missing You!) and not only made it I came out finally meeting a goal - I'm under 170lbs - 168.4 lbs to be exact on Sunday morning! YAY ME! I don't know how the hell that happened since I have been stressed out, emotional, not really working out like I should (in fact non-existent over the weekend except for playing outside with some kids for 2 hours) and definitely not following the calorie count like I should. Whatever I will take it!!! haha! This week I want to get back onto the horse. I am going to go swimming today and probably Thursday. I have to run errands after work tomorrow and then playing trivia with a friend at our typical place lately, Wednesday I have an event with a group I am part of but I could go swim after that too now that I think about it, and Thursday I need to run down to the beach to my boyfriend's parent's house to drop something off and pick something up so swimming after that for sure. I also plan on working out Monday-Thursday this week at work. I can't on Friday because I am taking a 1/2 day and heading to Charlotte at noon because I am going to an Incubus concert that night, my favorite band!!!

I know if I don't climb back on that horse now and get going again I will definitely struggle to do it. It's so easy to slip off and so much harder to get back on, especially the longer you let yourself slip off. This weekend I probably won't get too much done, but that's okay, I'm going to kill it this week and make up for it! Here's to a good week, a week that will fly by, and getting back on the horse today! :)

Happy Monday Ya'll!

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