Tuesday, October 4, 2011

Finding Motivation AGAIN!

I have been looking back through my blogs over the past month or so and WOW I have been stressed out and have really taken a side-step path. September definitely has been the hardest month for me in 2011. Thankfully it doesn't even compare in the slightest to last year, THANK GOD! Life just kinda snuck back in and butted it's ugly head up to remind me it was still here. I have talked about how life got in my way and got to be so unhealthy and gained all this weight, well last month I was HORRIBLE about tracking and exercising, I man I can probably count the total number of times I worked out on one hand, maybe I might need another but only a couple of fingers. It was kinda ridiculous! I have been preaching to myself that I can't let life change me, but at the same time I can't let it hold me down and get frustrated if things to do, but they shouldn't change this much.

I somehow managed to loose a good amount in September which still boggles my mind, but I know it was a roller coaster ride to do it and that part I am not too thrilled with. The worst part is I can't get back into this habit with Fall gearing up quickly because this always seems to be the hardest time of the year to stick to what you know is right. Looking forward, this month I go out of town to visit my Alma mater for an alumni weekend which I keep talking about and the reason for this public approach to changing my life. Obviously I will be eating out all weekend long as I will be out of town and it will be places that I miss and love and I am not picking the salad or grilled chicken breast with steamed veggies because that isn't what I miss! I also know there will be LOTS of drinking which I have learned this year truly how many calories drinking is. However, it's 1 weekend, it's not the norm so it shouldn't affect things long term and that is what I care about. However, what is important is getting back on track NOW so that that weekend isn't a big deal and is just a blurp on the radar on my journey. Then November I am out of town soo much it is going to be nuts. I am going to have to make good choices while I am at these places for work. I need to bring my gym bag with me and force myself to get up early and take care of working out. Then there is Thanksgiving and I am sorry that is one of my favorite all time meals and I will enjoy myself. The difference will be only eating until I am full verse stuffing myself, but I want the comfort and good stuff that I only get once a year, no low-fat, sugar-free versions! Again if I do things right it shouldn't matter and only be a blurp.

That is what I need to work back towards, but diligent and motivated to do what I need to do, make the right decisions. I have had a goal to complete the Gate River Run in March of 2012, a 15K here in Jacksonville. I have to start buckling down and start training so I can conquer the 9.3ish miles! My new goal after the October Alumni weekend will be March 10, 2012 - be healthy enough and in shape to complete and run most of a 15K. For now it's finding the motivation again to get back on track and make October a month I look back on and am proud of my accomplishments!

PS - I'm tired today and thought something funny would be appropriate to wake me up. I hope this picture works for you too! :) hahahaha

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