Wednesday, October 26, 2011

Happy 100!

Today is my 100th BLOG! I thought about holding off on my duo pictures from yesterday until today but I was just so excited to share them I couldn't wait another day. :)  I actually don't have anything too exciting to share today as right now I am nursing myself back to normal after a hellish digestive experience Sunday night/Monday morning with food poisoning. I did well yesterday making myself a simple soup for lunch with no salt chicken broth, mushrooms, green onions, baby spinach, white rice, and some plain chicken. Pretty bland but it was good and definitely filled me up. I had 2 cups of broth, lots of veggies, a cup of rice and 1 chicken breast and couldn't eat but half of it so I saved it and finished it for dinner with a little humus and pita along side. Everything stayed down just fine all day as I knew it would since it had been a long while since I last threw up, it was the quality of food that I ate that I was concerned with. Everything I read about feeding yourself again after food poisoning says to keep it as healthy as possible, no dairy, keep it bland and lots and lots of fluids. So yesterday I did just that! I haven't recorded anything because I know I was way way under my count but that wasn't important yesterday, it was listening to my body and when it was full I stopped!

The thing that was a bit rough was when it hit 4pm I REALLY REALLY wanted to go downstairs and work out, even just walk on the treadmill for a bit, but I knew I couldn't. I didn't bring clothes to change into because I didn't want to be tempted. I also read that you shouldn't use any extra energy if all possible for at least 24 hours, but more like 48-72 hours after you "finish" your episode. Your body needs all the energy it can get to fight off the bad bacteria in your system and recover from the hell that it went through. I also read that you need to rest as much as possible, as that helps in the recovering process. It's funny because all this is common sense, but sometimes we just don't want to "listen" to our bodys! I want to make sure I get back to normal as soon as I can so I am doing just this! I really wanted to get back to working out this week and really ready for it, mentally and physically and just bummed I have to wait another week - oh well there are worse things in life right?!

Well here's to my 100th blog today and knowing that this blog has really been my lighted path helping me find my way again! I have found soo much more than just fitting into clothes I haven't fit into in a long time, I have found happiness in myself again and that is amazing! I know there is still work to be done and bumps and highs still be discovered but I am excited about it. I was scared when I started this 100 blogs ago, but today I am excited for really whatever comes next, good or bad!  I will leave you today with the Steve Jobs quote I posted not to long ago, but it really has become one of my favorites, in fact it has found home above my monitor at work so I never forget it!

"You can't connect the dots looking forward; you can only connect them looking backwards. So you have to trust that the dots will somehow connect in your future. You have to trust something - your guy, destiny, life, karma, whatever. This approach has never let me down, and it has made all the difference in my life"

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