Tuesday, October 25, 2011

The ugly and the pretty!

So you might have wondered where I was yesterday - well I got a terrible case of Food Poisoning Sunday night and basically have lived between my bathroom and bed since then. If you have had Food Poisoning then you know what I went through and it is hell. Those that have never had it, trust me if you are questioning any food whether it is at your house or at a restaurant, don't eat it! It's not worth it, that was by far the most horrible experience I have ever been through in my life. My body feels like it went through WW3 I swear. I lost 5 lbs because of it, I'm not kidding! I was 165.8 (I know I jumped back up a tad) on Sunday morning and this morning I was 160.8 lbs. I'm not going to mark that down on MFP because it's not a true weight. I am sure I will jump back up after today or the next day because there has been nothing in my system but liquids since Sunday night. I was able to keep a little bit of wonton soup down last night with spinach, mushrooms, water chestnuts, and 1 dumpling (didn't eat the meat). I definitely felt better this morning after getting down something other than water or gatorade. This morning I had a plain biscuit with no butter from Chick-fil-a and it was yummy. I am trying to get down a banana, but am only 2 bites into and not feeling it so I think I am done for breakfast for now. I'll tell you more tomorrow how the day went today.

I do have something fun to share though - this weekend I went to RAM (Riverside Arts Market) for Oktoberfest with a great friend of mine and had a blast. The fun part about this is that I took another picture of me siting on the wall with the water behind me. You might be scratching your head about what this means, but 1 year ago I took a picture wearing a blue shirt at RAM at Oktoberfest and it was the picture that made me realize how big I had become. It's the picture I shared in the blog - "Changing Looks". I have to report that I am proud of these pictures and WANT to share them!

1 YEAR AGO:                                          TODAY:

It's amazing what some hard work over a year can do! I tried WW but really it didn't work for me, my real success has been since June of this year when I didn't follow a "diet" but instead watched what I ate by counting my calories, and started to exercise more! These 2 pictures are my motivation to keep going! I have about another 20 lbs to go and I know it will be harder to get those off than the first 30 lbs or so but I am ready for it! Unfortunately I can't work out today or tomorrow as my body is still trying to recover from what it went through in the last 35 hours or so which I am bummed about because I had a plan and everything for this week which I layed out last week on Friday - "NOT Walking the Walk". Looks like life happened and I will have to revise - oh well there are worse things in life! :)

Enjoy your week everyone!!

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