Friday, October 28, 2011

It's Friday Friday Friday

Okay I HATE that stupid Friday song but somehow it always pops into my head on Friday when I get excited that it is Friday and the weekend is almost here! HAHA! I just had to share :)

So I got on the scale this morning and it said 163.8 lbs, that's 1 lb up from 2 weeks ago when I was under my goal of 163 lbs. I am actually okay with it because my body has been on a whirlwind since that 162.8 lbs. I'm still at the 163 which was my goal so YAY! I think it is all in perspective really. The next goal is 155 lbs by the end of the year - LET'S GO!!!!

 Enjoy your weekend and make it a blast! :)

PS - Some workout motivation: TELL ME YOU WOULDN'T GO TO TOWN IN ANY SPIN CLASS!!!!!!!

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