Monday, March 26, 2012

Need to listen to myself

Last week I wrote a blog entry about how it's been a while for a lot of things in my life that I use to be good with - "It's been a while..". These would be blogging, working out and tracking my food. Well apparently that didn't motivate me enough to get going and start going what I needed to be doing.

Well today is Monday and the start to a new week (well work week that is). I brought my workout bag with me and have already logged my breakfast and obviously am blogging. It's only going to be a 3 day week for me as Thursday I head to Pensacola for a wedding between 2 of my friends and to be with my fiancĂ©. I know Thursday I won't get anything in but I am hoping that maybe I will on Friday and/or Saturday. Both of those days he has groomsmen activities so I might go for a run on the beach in the morning or something since our hotel is literally on the beach on the gulf and it will be pretty. At the very least I am going to bring stuff with me. I figure hopefully if I bring it with me that will motivate me to get something in. As for Monday-Wednesday I plan of doing something each day. Today I am going to work out during my lunch. Tomorrow I might swim we'll see and Wednesday again lunch time. I have a 5K on April 12th that I can't let myself slip on. The goal for that 5K is to set a personal best and I think I have run a low 27 minutes in training so the goal is at least a 26 something!

Well back to baby steps to get myself moving again and making the right choices. I've got a dress to fit into in a year which should be huge motivation! hahahaha!

Have a great week! Enjoy the little quote :)

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