Friday, April 13, 2012

I promise I am doing OKAY

It's been  while since i have blogged I know. Things have been busy and I just haven't made the time honestly. The good news is things are going really well and I am doing OKAY!

Yesterday I ran a 5K in 29:50, which I was really proud of be I have only run once since my 15K a month ago! My goal was under 30 minutes and I did just that. I do have to brag about my sister for a moment because she did it in 25:34 which is just amazing! So proud of her and definitely a tad bit jealous of how good she is. :) It was fun though to do another race. I really do enjoy them and am looking forward to my next one. I haven't signed up for it but will this weekend but it is going to be the Never Quit Challenge Trident. It is a unique triathlon as you run a 5K on the beach (really on packed sand the whole way), then you swim 500m in the ocean and then paddle a 1500m in the ocean. Last year I signed up for just the 5K but unfortunately had surgery right before and was not allowed to participate. My fiance did the trident and it's been my goal to beat him ever since. So this year I am doing the whole thing even though I have never paddled in the ocean before but damn it I am going to do it! haha! I was a butterflier at one point so I can do this right?!

I haven't been too active the last month but I have managed to lose weight which just boggles my mind but I am not complaining. I am down to 160.2lbs - almost under 160 lbs! That will be the first time in over 5 years that I have been under 160 if I can just get there. Hopefully in the coming weeks it will happen. I did however try Yoga and Zumba (Intro to Zumba) for the 1st time this week. I really enjoyed both and looking forward to doing them again next week. I have set a schedule where I am going to do cycle on Monday's, Yoga on Tuesdays, Zumba on Wednesdays, and BodyJAM on Thursdays at the YMCA. I haven't done the cycle or BodyJAM yet, things got in the way and next week I know I can't make cycle - but I am going to do my best to make them. I need something new and I think these are great ways to mix it up. I am still going to run a bit during my lunch hour on the treadmill and other machines to keep that up for the next race.

The other new motivation besides of course the "ultimate wager" my fiance and I have going on, which babe I AM SO GOING TO WIN!! I am going wedding dress shopping July 20th. That gives me 3 months to drop a bit more so I know I can fit into the sample sizes no problem and make a good decision. Speaking of that my mom found the coolest organization - Brides Against Breast Cancer. It's this organization where designers donate dresses up to $8000 to be sold for $99-$799 where ALL the money goes to breast cancer! There is also dresses above $8000-$20,000 that are 50%-75% off and finally lightly used dresses w/o stains and rips and have been dry cleaned for really cheap too. You have to buy a $5 ticket to get in but that goes to breast cancer too. I am soo excited for that and to possibly find my dress!

Things really have been going well and I am doing OKAY! I know I have been MIA and I do apologize, it's been a crazy one and I just haven't been making the time. I know I know I need to and I hope to more and more. Just bare with me. There is one friend that is the most dedicated person I have seen to tracking and staying on track. I wish I could be more like her - you truly are an inspiration and someone I look up to. Thanks girl!!!

Well everyone have a good weekend - I know I will my fiance is coming into town tonight for the weekend. Yay!!! Talk to you next week.

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