Monday, April 16, 2012

I think I can I think I can

It's Monday again - I swear weekends just aren't long enough! haha!

This weekend was great. My fiance came into town and we had a busy weekend planned, but honestly it didn't seem as hectic as we originally anticipated. Good news is we picked a venue for our wedding. No date yet as we are holding out for our 1st choice but it will be 1 of 2 dates. No announcements on where and when yet since Save the Dates haven't gone out yet. Once that happens then I will publicly post! We also met some photographers - 3 to be exact and ruled one out and of the 2 left we like 1 of the 2 better, but are keeping both because we like both. I still have to meet one more on Wednesday and then hopefully we will have our photographer too! Things are moving along which I like.

Now me wise - it's funny how when my weekends involve my fiance I just forget a lot of the way I normally am eating and exercising. I just never get to see him with us living apart in 2 different cities, states and I just want to spend time together.  Don't get me wrong I splurge when he isn't here from time to time but when he is here it definitely happens more frequently. I think it's his way of winning our wager! hahaha! Trickery! So I gained a pound since last Monday, okay 1.5lbs, but I was going up all week so it wasn't just this weekend. Life happens right?!

Today I brought my bag with me and plan on working out at 11:30 like I use to at lunch. Yes use to, it's been a while. I have plans after work so going spinning won't happen this week. I was proud of myself, I am meeting with the 4th set of photographers on Wednesday and I made it after my Zumba class so I won't miss it. Yay me! Oh and I am all signed up for the NeverQuit Trident Solo Challenge on June 9th. It's a 5K run on the beach in the morning, a 500m swim in the ocean and a 1500m paddle in the ocean. My goal is to complete it faster than 1:07.51, that is what John did it in last year. I am looking forward to it!

Well here is to a good week - I think I can I think I can...

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