Tuesday, June 26, 2012

Happy Surprises and Olympic Trials

Good Morning and Happy Tuesday. I woke up this morning to more rain! I swear I am so sick of the rain - it's basically rained non-stop since the last tropical storm Beryl that came through here like a month ago. Now Debby is just sitting on Florida and dumping rain. Thankfully we are not under water like many people are this morning, Thank God but wow I truly miss the sunshine. We got a little bit last week but it didn't last long. It makes getting up hard and staying motivated hard you know?! The weather really does play a part in the way you feel and your motivation levels I swear. I'm doing my best to stay positive and move forward.

This morning I woke up to a lovely surprise on my scale - it read 162.4 lbs. That's 1.2lbs down from yesterday which is nuts. I ate all my calories too and only worked out once instead of twice. Ya I kinda skipped the after work session I was thinking about doing. I had a great lunch workout and then I got out of work later than normal and it was raining and Olympic Trials for swimming started at 6:30pm that I was sooooo excited about so I decided to go home and watch my swimming! :) Anyway, back to my surprise this morning. I was slightly shocked but a little nervous about it. We'll see how the week goes and if I can sustain it.

Okay back to swimming - it's no secret by now that I was a competitive swimmer for the majority of my life so the fact that the US Swimming Olympic Trials are on TV right now is like being a little kid in a candy store for me! 8 years ago I went to the 2004 Olympic Trials in Long Beach, CA. I wasn't fast enough to be a contender for the Olympics or anything, but I was fast enough to qualify to swim at the meet. Even though I didn't have a great swim it was one of the best experiences of my life. Watching the trials right now is like reliving it and it just plain fun. Plus I know people swimming, both just because they made the meet and then some that are truly trying to make the team. It's a blast cheering for them and seeing it live. I can't wait for it again tonight. I even have my fiance recording it since I don't have a DVR so if I miss anything I can watch it this weekend. Plus when I drive up there on Friday, that is the women's final 200 butterfly and you know I am not going to miss that!!!

Today I am going to head to the gym at lunch and get some sweat going. I am actually looking forward to it so here's to a wonderful Tuesday! :)

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