Wednesday, June 20, 2012

Who isn't busy - it's not an excuse!

Everyone always says they are busy! When is the last time you heard someone say things were slow and they had nothing to do? I would love to be able to say I wasn't running around like a chicken with my head cut off. Sadly life today is just busy and we have to accept that fact, not use it as an excuse and get our butts moving. 

My problem - I use the I am busy excuse too much. I let myself believe it is a valid excuse and that I am different than everyone else and just don't have time. If I really want to make the changes than I really must find the time to get in the exercise and make the right choices when eating. I heard something the other day while watching E! News (it's my guilty pleasure - no judging!) that this person follows the 80/20 rule when eating - 80% of the time they are good and 20% of the time they enjoy themselves and don't worry about it. I always have said when I am really watching that I am good most of the time so I think that might be a good rule for me to follow. There is no hard set rule that for 1 day or 2 days a week I won't track or if I go over oh well - NO it's just that if something comes up like tonight where I have back to back meetings with food and wine at both I need to just stay away maybe from the friend foods and other not as healthy options to balance out the wine that you know I am going to have :) Staying in moderation with the food and wine is the key for me.

I think that is truly what I need to learn - balance! I work out like 4-5 times one week and then the next maybe once. There is no consistency there and that isn't going to do myself any good. I need to find a balance that works for me. I need to learn how to wake up early and get things done when I know I will not be able to utilize my lunch hour nor have time after work. That's just that. Take yesterday for example - I knew that I had to be somewhere off site at 2pm for work but I didn't want to work out at lunch as people might not know that I am leaving for work and get the wrong message about me so I worked through lunch instead. I also knew that I had a meeting at 6:15 after work for an organization I am part of so both times slots were taken. I simply just said oh well can't work out. First I was proud of myself for not beating myself up over it like I use to do - yay me! However I needed to have followed that statement with a well I should have planned better and gotten up early to work out, next time I will do that. It's called making it work in your busy schedule! 

Monday I was proud of myself - I thought I had a lunch meeting so I knew that time frame was out so my gym bag in my car was for the gym afterwards. However throughout the day events occurred and after work became very busy with important but unforeseen events which put me home after 7pm. At that point I am starving and knew I had to eat, but I can't run/get my blood going with a full belly I have found. That didn't stop me I worked around that small barrier and went for a 30 minute walk with Wrigley. No I didn't burn as many calories as I would have if I had gone for a run, swam or took a class at the YMCA but it was something! That is the point I need to make to myself - it was something! I need to learn to work around my busy schedule, work around any small barriers and not let myself make stupid excuses to get me out of the right choices.

It a slow process again, I feel like I have done this a million times. The good news is it is at least becoming easier and easier each time! I am leaving early again today but with my whole team for an off site meeting but I still brought my bag, today I am taking my lunch and working out. Yay! 

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