Tuesday, July 3, 2012

Asked for Help

Well today is almost like a "Friday" with tomorrow being July 4th and a holiday so we are off work! Definitely exciting because I am sleeping in and enjoying my day. I plan on sleeping in, cleaning up around the house and hopefully doing something physical and working out.

As for this week thus far - I am ashamed to say that nothing has happened and I was even at the YMCA yesterday! Well yesterday I ran to Atlantic Beach to view a possible house to rent. Unfortunately it accepted an application while I was heading out to see it so we lost it. It was a block from the back too - oh well not meant to be! However after work I ran by the YMCA because I wanted to cancel my membership after this month. Not because I don't want to go, but it's 5 minutes from my house now and I will be moving away from that area and besides coming to grab a bite or shop I won't have a reason to be in that area so I didn't want to pay for something I would struggle to use. (not that I am already not struggling right now to use it) Since I draft on the 15th, I will draft one more time and have it through August 14th and since I move the 19th that is perfect. Here is the bad thing - I walked right now after I signed the paperwork! I didn't even stay to work out and I had NO reason not too. I am ashamed! At least my dinner was a good choice - burrito bowl from Chipotle. :)

Today I am once again going to see a place at lunch. Hopefully this one will work out but I am not holding my breath with how this house hunting has been going. Anyway that means that during lunch work out isn't an option. After work I have to run and get gas and need to go by Publix so I am going to have to make myself go to the YMCA and work out after gas and before Publix. Here's to hoping I have the will power! lol

I did something this morning though - I reached out for help, I reached out to a friend that is a trainer who I am hoping will be able to either personally help me or steer me in the right direction. I need someone to help motivate me as well as put together a plan/ program that tells me what to do. I am struggling with nothing to train for and not knowing what to do. I do the same thing over and over basically and I get tired of that and get discouraged. I'll let you guys know more once I hear back from my friend. If not this person I am going to find help somewhere as they might be too busy right now in which I completely understand and no hard feelings.

Well happy July 4th Eve and yay for being off work tomorrow!!

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