Monday, July 16, 2012

One step closer!

Well we are 5 days out to a day I every girl dreams about - wedding dress shopping! I absolutely can not wait to put on these gorgeous dresses! It's the 1 time every girl gets to feel like a princess - whatever that picture she has in her head of what I princess should look like. I've been to many weddings and always said how I can't wait to look that pretty and feel that amazing while being with the person I love. That day to find that dress is 5 days away!!!!

Lately I have been struggling with the idea of how I will look in my dress. I am still bigger now than I want to be when I get married and I had been tossing the idea around of buying a smaller dress. However after some good friends and a blog post on MFP I have decided that that idea is not very smart. I can have that dress tailored in with a good seamstress.

My original thought that was driving this was: I want to be able to post the pictures from my wedding proudly and not be even the slightest bit  embarrassed about the way I look.

I thought about that long and hard this weekend and want to slap myself for that. I have been driving myself crazy about it and in return have just been stressing in which backfired because I shut down when that happens. It doesn't matter if I gain 100 pounds, stay where I am at or lose 10 pounds - I get to marry the most amazing man in the entire world and I know I will be glowing and will post that picture proudly from the mountain tops if I have to! That is THE most important thing about all of this! He is going to think I look beautiful and I know that day I will feel like a million bucks so what the hell am I worried about?!

That is what I am going to focus on from this point forward and enjoy Friday to the fullest! My mom is coming into town Wednesday evening to be here and share this experience with me and my sister. I can't wait to see her face and my sister's when we find that perfect dress for me.

Today is just one day closer to the day I say I do, and Friday is one step closer to getting everything done for that day. 271 days! :)

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