Thursday, July 19, 2012

Week Flying By!

This week is FLYING by! OMG I can't believe it is already Thursday. I think,no I know it's because work this week has absolutely been nuts! Monday and Tuesday were so jammed packed with a development meeting ALL afternoon 12-5 on Monday, talk about making Tuesday busier than it already was trying to catch up from Monday. Then yesterday I went to Orlando with my boss to check out the second of 2 tradeshow companies we want to move towards. We left at 8:45 and got back into town at 5:15pm so that day was shot. Today is nuts already and I leave at 3pm for a doctor's appointment and then off on Friday for dress shopping (sooo excited) so I HAVE to get a lot done in the next 5 hours!

Tomorrow though is a big day! I really can't wait. I am trying to not think about it too much as I want to just take it all in tomorrow. Part of it also might be that I am still a bit critical of myself but I am working through it. If I just don't think about it too much I can't be too critical on myself and that helps a bunch. I know a bit silly but if it works it works right?! But honestly today is going to be difficult to try to get everything done because I am soo excited! :) Focus Meghan Focus!

By the way I made a decision today to hide my scale and just look at it for a while. I don't know what a while is exactly yet but I was thinking maybe till the end of August. I have to start packing soon so why not start with that piece in my room and pack it first. Then I move mid-August and it can be the last thing I unpack. We'll see how it goes. Also August I have decided is going to be my official get back on the horse month! Not sure yet how I am going to attack it and accomplish it but I'll put a plan together soon enough.

Well since I am off tomorrow and it's dress shopping day - Enjoy your weekend everyone!!! :)

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