Friday, July 13, 2012

Slow Process

Yesterday was a crazy long day. I was in an all day meeting that I had been coordinating for 2 weeks. It went great but I didn't have any free time to write. Sorry! :)

I re-learned a lesson though - do not eat pizza for lunch and dinner that isn't homemade! It WILL tear you up Meghan! I ordered in pizza from Papa John's for the meeting and there was some leftovers so I took some home for me and my sister for dinner. My stomach was not happy about having it twice let me tell you. I thought about it afterwards and realized I had had this lesson before but apparently it didn't stick the first time. lol (Disgusted - January 5, 2012) Oh well it is what it is and I refuse to get upset about it right now.

I am have stressed out a lot lately and realizing things about myself that have been surprising me. The way I have been acting and letting things slide. I haven't really fixed anything yet but I am trying. What I am trying to focus on right now and change is how critical I have been on myself lately about my appearance. It's nothing something that I have ever done really (not to this extent) and it has happened probably over that last few months, getting much worse lately. I am going wedding dress shopping 1 week from today! (YAY!) I am trying to tell myself no matter that size I am I am going to look beautiful! I know that's the truth because everyone I have ever known has said that when they turn around and look in the mirror with a beautiful white wedding dress on they can't help but think they are gorgeous! I am looking forward to that moment!

I am also looking forward to this weekend and recharging. I am sleeping till the cows come home as my dad likes to say on Saturday and on Sunday I get to see my aunt and cousin so I am excited about that. I have a long list that I have identified and maybe I will start working on some of those things to make them better and change. There is no way I can do everything, that just gives me anxiety just thinking about it.  It will be a slow process but something I have to do to make me happy again.

Well here's to a fast Friday work day so the weekend can come and to a great relaxing but productive weekend! Enjoy yourselves! :)

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