Wednesday, August 22, 2012

As promised...

Okay so last night because I said I would post pictures that are overdue, not only did I hang all my laundry but I also went through the 2 bags still sitting on my floor of random stuff that I needed to put away from the move. Thank you motivation from my blog! :) Now if I could just get that to transfer over to my workout habits and eating too that would be fantastic. haha

I woke up this morning and loved that my room was basically perfect. I love it! Well here is the pictures I promised. I am really happy with the way it turned out. It's my little oasis :)

Looking into my room - front door to my little area on right
Walking into my room further
My bed & chair with my "bed decor" - Maddie my cat :)
Nice open area by my chair
My dresser & TV
Bedroom door on right
Closet next to bed, bedroom door on left
Looking from my room to my bathroom, door on left to my little area.

Well that's my little home for the next few months until we can figure out a way for my fiance and I to live in the same city. I really like it and it feels like me so that's awesome. I'm so thankful to my fiance and parents for helping me move my furniture over and hanging stuff. Couldn't have done it with your guys! 

Happy Hump Day! :) 

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