Tuesday, September 25, 2012

The "Changing Room" girl inspired me

Did anyone watch Good Morning America (GMA) this morning? Personally I am a fan of GMA over the Today show but that's just me. Anyway there was a story on it this morning about an artist who took pictures of herself in dressing rooms under that harsh light for a year to help herself lose weight. I couldn't find a printed article on GMA online but I found it on NPR - Click Here to read her story.

We was married in 2009 and decided afterwards to drastically change her lifestyle. She ended up losing over 160 pounds in 1 year. She stopped eating junk food, started walking and biking every day and weighted her food and counted her calories. It was a private journey and the pictures were for her to document her transformation and remember the feeling of the smaller clothes. She would look at them to remind herself what she was working for and help her make the sometimes harder but better and healthier decisions. They showed her she was making progress.

The whole way to work this morning I was thinking about this story, remembering the pictures that they showed of her journey and thought to myself - Am I Truly Committed?!

It didn't take me long, in fact I think it was an instant answer of - "No!"

I got to work and found the article and read it and looked through the pictures again. You see her difficulties and successes across her face in the album. God knows I have had my share lately but I just haven't done anything about it which is where the struggle is for me right now.

I'm not sure what I'm going to do for me - maybe pictures every Monday to take a cue from her, maybe throwing myself back into my blog (which I have been doing and definitely helping) but I do need to dedicate myself back to getting healthy again. I owe that to myself.

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