Wednesday, October 24, 2012

Fake It Till You Make It!

Another day in the books! I was proud of myself yesterday. I HAD to skip my lunch time workout, work was insane yesterday and there was no way around that one. Have you ever had one of those days where everything is a fire drill? Things come flying at you from left field with an immediate turn around? That was my day yesterday at work ALL day! But I was proud of myself because I still got it in! :)

At 5pm on the dot I went downstairs and changed right away. Our warehouse guy that stays till 6pm say the trucks were coming early and he would most likely be closing shop up before 6pm. I was hoping to get my exercises in after the run so I hurried out the door. I had been go-go-go all day yesterday ever though I was tired that I didn't even notice the first mile at all. I started to feel it though around 1.35 miles but pushed through and finished my 1.75 run feeling pretty good!

I made it back at 5:40ish to our building and found out the truck was coming now at 6pm - SWEET! I was able to get in my exercises too! Yesterday's list, the leg lift crunches -OUCH! I got through them and felt good though afterwards that I completed everything. I then hopped in the car and made it to my 6:30 hair appt too! :)

I decided last night, I'm going to fake it till I make it - it's the only way to get back into this. I have to make myself get out there and just do it instead of listening to that little voice in my head that wants me to just sit my ass down and do nothing. I am going to shut that little guy in my head up!

Today is a walk with Wrigley again - have I mentioned I LOVE walking along the beach?! It's a fantastic and relaxing way to wind down your day. When I get back from the walk it's exercise time:

90 Jumping Jacks
20 Tricep Dips
10 Sit-Ups
30 Bird-Dogs
30 Second Plank
30 Squats
15 Incline Push-Ups
40 Crunches
10 Oblique Crunches (each side)
20 Standing Calf Raises

Fake It Till You Make It!

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