Tuesday, August 30, 2011


So the August Team Challenge on MFP is almost over. Only today is left for exercises as tomorrow is rest day and turn in results day. I went into this month losing weight pretty steadily and thought that I could step it up with this extra work. Well I hit a plateau instead and my hopeful 8 lbs that I wanted to lose will only be what looks like 3 lbs, maybe 4. However, the good news (which I have talked about before) is that it is more than just the number on the scale, but the number on my clothes that has really changed. In this past month alone my body has really been changing. I started off this year and summer even at a size 12 and a snug 12 at that. In June I bought 2 pairs of Bermuda shorts from Old Navy and debated on getting 12s or 10s because the 12s fit and the 10s buttoned but were pretty tight. I went with the 10s because I was losing weight and wanted to be able to wear them for a while and it was motivation. This past weekend I took a pair with me to Charlotte to walk around all day looking at apartments for my boyfriend. They are too big now! I kept having to pull the up and they do stretch so by the end o the day I could pull them off without even buttoning! Then this morning I decided to wear a dress to work that I haven't even tried on in over a year because I knew it wouldn't fit. I bought the dress for day conference in Houston at the beginning of 2010. That was basically the only time I wore the dress. I put it on this morning, ask my boyfriend to zip it up for me and warned him it might be a struggle to zip it up. Well there was no struggle and he easily zipped it all the way up. I turned around and just hugged him because that completely made my day! On MFP (MyFitnessPal) people talk about NSV - No Scale Victories - and today that is definitely mine! :)

It's things like this that keep me going. The scale is just a device that helps but I am not chained to it and never want to be! I love that I am becoming healthy again and to me that is the biggest NSV! This past weekend we had to eat dinner on the road both Friday and Sunday evening. I refused to have a fast food burger because I knew it isn't good for me, plus if you missed what I learned about them back in early July read this - "Eat This Not That" - you will agree with me on not eating them again! Granted Zaxby's isn't that great and I chose chicken fingers verse the salad, but sometimes the craving just needs to be killed and I had been craving chicken fingers for such a long time!

Wednesday starts the September "Tribal" Team Challenge on MFP! There is still room available on teams (mine is full) if you want to sign up and join one. It's great because you get soo much support form people that are on the same journey as you and you support each other. It  is also a great accountability device as it becomes not just letting yourself down for skipping a work out, but your team mates too and they are the ones that help you get through those last few reps or minutes that are just soo hard, but you know you can't stop! If you are interested leave a comment here, join MFP and friend me (HonestyismyDiet) or facebook me if you are my friend on there already and I will be happy to help you!!! :)

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