Monday, August 1, 2011

It's August

Well it's the start of August which means day #1 of the August Challenge on MyFitnessPal. I'm still a bit out-of-it and I just can't put my finger on why. Hopefully I will figure it out soon so I can get back to being my happy-go-lucky self. I'm hoping that this challenge like I said yesterday will help pull me out of my funk quickly and jump start me.

Today out challenge is to add 100 jumping jacks to whatever we normally do. I can break them up into sets if I can't do them all at once. I honestly am not sure if I can do 100 straight. I do a lot of them with Jillian Michael's, but hers are for time, never numbers so I have never counted. I am looking forward to finding out how many of these I can do in a row. It will be a good 1st day challenge. So today I am doing Jillian Michael's, swimming after work with my boyfriend and 100 jumping jacks - good Monday and start to my week I think!

Tomorrow I have to add 1 mile to my routine. I know that I will work out at 4pm tomorrow and do a long cardio workout which kinda makes me cringe a bit since I already go sooo far that day. I am debating if I should add the mile to the end of that workout (typically do around 4 miles already) or if I should do it at another time during the day. The 2 times I am thinking are in the morning before work; however, if you read an earlier blog I did in June, "I don't do early morning workouts!", I'm not so sure I will be able to get up for that, but we'll see. The other is after the 4pm workout but a bit later. I would do my normal workout, get in my car and go to my boyfriend's as planned. Since I am already in workout clothes I was thinking about biking to the beach since he lives about 4/5 blocks from it and doing a 1 mile beach run. However, both of these options are outside and it's suppose to rain tomorrow all day so I am not sure if either are viable options so adding on at 4pm might be my only option. 

I thought I would put this out there - if you have not found you need to visit! It's a great resource to figure out how far you have run, going to run, need to run, etc. You do have to sign up but it is a free resource. You plug in the zip code of where  you are going to run and then using their tools, map out your run. It gives you the distance up to 0.00. It's GREAT! I am looking at it to determine where I want to run tomorrow for the 2 options. Definitely check it out next time you go for a run!!!

1 comment:

TIffany Gowens said...

I love mapmyrun and mapmyride definitely my lifesaver since I started riding my bike alot!!!