Thursday, September 1, 2011


HAPPY SEPTEMBER!!! Can you believe the summer is on it's way out? The good news about fall on it's way is that running outside again becomes an option. I am very excited about that because I am beginning to hate the indoor machines. I want to be able to run somewhere and not stay in place. I stare out a window while doing it and wish I was running outside every time. The cooler weather is going to be nice and allow me to run outside. You see I don't sweat like a normal person, so I have a heard time cooling myself off. Instead I just over heat and am miserable. Basically running outside once gets hot is next to impossible for me. Anyway, the fall will give me more options to work out and I am looking forward to the many options available, like biking too. 

This week I haven't done too much on the working out side. I get something in on Monday and Tuesday, however, yesterday I had a salon appointment during lunch so I wasn't able to work out. Granted I NEEDED a hair cut badly so I was more than happy to make the trade. After work I again am opting to hang out with my boyfriend instead since I won't be able to do that soon.

I did however have a quick errand after work that made me feel great about myself. My bridesmaid dress for one of my best friend's wedding in November came in at David's Bridal. I needed to go pick it up but I also knew it would need to be taken in. You see I bought it at the beginning of June right when I started this journey. In fact I wrote about going there to get fitted for it back on June 16th - "Yes I am 2 Sizes - Thank You!". I just re-read it and it made me laugh because I laughed at the lady when she brought out an 8 saying I hoped a 12 would fit me. In fact I was a 10 at my hips and 14 up top. I ordered the 14 because I was afraid at the time since losing weight had not happened very well prior to this journey and wasn't sure if my frame would shrink enough to get the 12. Well yesterday I could slip the dress on and off with it zipped up. It made me soo happy! My frame shrunk! The alteration lady looked at me and said "WOW you have lost a lot of weight haven't you?" I thought that was funny because she said it as a question when the dress obviously didn't fit me. She said it would take approximately 2.5-3 weeks max to take in so I should wait a bit longer to have it done if I plan on losing more. I told her YES I did plan on losing more so I took the dress home and it's hanging in my closet just waiting to be altered to my new body in a couple of weeks. :)

Here's the fitting pictures and the new one all lined up! :)


Okay I dropped the ball - I forgot to take the picture I promised to take; the one where I am in the same clothes as the first day of August. I set an alarm already on my phone to take it tonight. I will post it tomorrow, plus that might be a fun Friday post! :)

BTW Tomorrow is College Colors Day - I know I will be sporting my Aggie Maroon tomorrow at work!

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